Tuesday 13 January 2015

A little data for the psalms concerning the major disjunctive accents

This is preliminary in order to test the one claim I have heard for ole-yored. I was able to get data for all the 2,525 verses of the psalms.

The claim is this: "Atnah (also called Etnahta) is the main verse divider for the twenty-one books as ole veyored is for the three. " See this article by the British and Foreign Bible Society page 12 - It is quite clear to me now that it's not all Greek.

The raw data is just too much to look at - but the claim is overstated. [stats updated - this is hard to look for accurately]
  • Ole-veyored occurs in 41 of 2,525 verses by itself. It occurs with atnah in 169 other verses - and always before the atnah (that much is true). 
  • Atnah occurs in 2,327 of the verses.
  • In some verses there are no mid verse cadences.
Now I ask you - what is the main verse divider for the Psalms? Where main is main solely out of numbers: 2,327 >> 342. Atnah occurs 7 times more frequently. In the first chapter of the speeches of Job (Job 3), there 3 ole veyored but 23 atnah.

Ole-veyored may be a strong cadence, even stronger than atnah - that is still to be determined, but it is not main in the sense of more frequent.


BTW - Haik-Vantoura has a cadence on the supertonic for ole-veyored, but on the subdominant for atnah. These are her choices and they make good sense to a musician today.

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