Friday 15 April 2011

Gems in the Flotsam

This new feed, the Biblioblog Reference Library, may replace much of my Google reader.  I hope the volume is not overwhelming and that the bloggers are reasonably focussed. It has made me scan blogs I normally would give a pass, but it has also introduced me to things I really should see and read.

There are probably several but I have only picked a few at the moment. The general tone and clarity of the posts by James Pate are a delight especially this one on the Song of the Sea.  Also Tony Siew gives me something to think about on Hebrew and Greek.  Admittedly, I am no judge of some content, and some content I won't look at if I can scan it quickly enough to notice, but it is nice to see where I might expand my horizon and James and Tony have already helped me a bit.

But I expect there will simply be too many to manage so after a few days I will have to add subscriptions manually and let this omnibus collector collect in an unread state.  I hate unread things - I should learn to ignore them shouldn't I.  But all my life I have been taught to be responsive. It's that tension between - a tidy book is a tidy mind - and a tidy desk shows an empty mind.  Tidiness is overrated.

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