Monday 11 April 2011

Invisible updates

I am using this blog more as a workspace than a a blog. Much of what goes on is visible only if you go to the individual posts since updates are not syndicated. Last year in a rapid 10 week period in preparation for the Psalms Conference, I laid out 150 posts with my translations. Now I am updating them with many hundreds of changes.  And now again I am working through them one lexeme at a time. Analysis is emerging.

Here is the state: (2011.04.13 - our 43rd anniversary)
Psalms 1-11 - updated with replaced English-Hebrew composite structural tables [also pdf 11.04.12]
Psalm 12-29 - awaiting glossing so that the two tables showing structure can be merged into one (depending on the size of the poem).
Psalms 30-34 - in the glossary, proceeding forward in sync with PoC
Psalms 35-63 - notes drafted, will gloss as I post on PoC - some glossed in random order
Psalms 64-118 - no notes drafted, partially glossed, preliminary tables posted (note all book 2-4 has many changes to text and translation on the blog and in the database - will review in detail as notes are done) - some glossed in random order
Psalm 119-143 - in the glossary, tables in new form, no notes drafted
Psalms 144-150 - glossed - no notes done yet, completed the second full pass at error correction to allow me to see where I have erred more easily. (|done| 11.04.12 - I find I can enter the glosses for about 15 psalms a day depending on how many errors I stop to fix.)
The pdf text (1 week out of date - the database identifies the changes made in the last week - so must get on with it and review what I have done and see whether I still agree with my modifications! stopped at psalm 6 since the later changes will be picked up on the next pass.)

Seven (now 5) current touch points in the process. now with  roughly 120 'working' days before Oct 10 when this project must be ready for critique and fresh research approaches, should I finish a draft of every psalm? I think so - that means a little less than 1 psalm a working day - but there will be periods of intense work and periods of holiday...

The psalm 119 was impossible to gloss one word at a time into a table so it forced me to retype my English into the database so that I could eventually see every translation in a list together. This led I think to a much easier way of seeing the structure especially for English speakers. A test yesterday showed that the glossary will be about 2 Megabytes.  When I get some navigation into it (automated) I will make it available as a series of files linked from PoC.

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