Friday 21 February 2014

Communicating in XML

Can you read an XML document on my drive? You can now download them to any music program you choose from my evolving list here: generated music XML. Also in that folder is my current PL/SQL conversion routine - undocumented. If you want help - ask. I would love to engage more people in this effort, especially people with expertise outside of English. It is too little a thing that I should be working alone on English underlay from the Hebrew.

Disclaimer: this works well with Musescore and has been tested a little with noteflight. The XML online may say it has been 'edited' or refer to a 'translation or English underlay' - but clearly, none of these has been done at this time except in my own Musescore pieces - which I don't bother saving to XML since it does not even read its own saved files correctly from XML - so take care.

I have added the disclaimer 'not yet' to the later XML files (v 1.17).

There is a problem here - to use my routine as is, you need to have the Unicode data in extended html. At present I am using a proprietary routine. But my own PL/SQL is there for anyone to re-engineer or use as they wish. (Have fun.) Its essential form is: for all verses in the input, to decipher word by word the Hebrew syllables and associate with each the step of the music and any ornaments that may occur. It is usable, but I make no claim to completeness. Soft-ware is well named. The spec, such as it was, is now obsolete. Read the code.

You can specify up to 4 modes (actually 7 for the poetry but I haven't tested 5, 6, or 7).

here is a sample call: Select * From Table(teamimtoxml.teamimtoxml(
'Psalms 27', '1' ,7 , 'insert strings 1 to 8 ...','','','','','','','','0')) order by xml_seq;
title determines if poetry or prose Psalms Proverbs or Job speeches (get the chapter right if you are using Job) - all other input uses the prose modes. If you get the name wrong, the routine will skip notes it doesn't understand and may skip the odd syllable too!
second parameter is mode - 1 to 4: default, major, major-minor, raised 4th
5-6-7 : natural minor, like prose 1, like prose 2
'C4 D4#E4 F4#G4 A4 B4 C5 D5#E5 F5#'; -- chromatic hypodorian
'C4#D4#E4 F4#G4#A4 B4 C5#D5#E5 F5#'; -- Major
'C4 D4#E4 F4#G4#A4 B4 C5 D5#E5 F5#'; -- Major-minor Lydian Minor 6th
'C4 D4#E4 F4#G4 A4#B4 C5 D5#E5 F5#'; -- raised 4th <> prose 4 hypodorian pronounced chromatic
'C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 '; -- Natural minor aolian
'C4 D4 E4 F4 G4#A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 '; -- like prose 1
'C4 D4 E4 F4#G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 '; -- like prose 2
1 to 4 prose:
'C4 D4 E4 F4 G4#A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 '; -- SHV default for prose chromatic dorian
'C4 D4 E4 F4#G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F#5'; -- hypodorian - diatonic minor
'C4#D4#E4 F4#G4#A4 B4 C5#D5#E5 F#5'; -- Lydian
'C4#D4 E4 F4#G4 A4#B4 C5#D5 E5 F#5'; -- chromatic phrygian with raised 4th

third parameter is number of beats per bar
four to 11 are strings - max 4000 chars or so - could be populated from a database or the inside of the routine rewritten to use a cursor - this first version is 'stand alone'
last a trace function for debigging - '1' turns it on

I may get this into a publicly usable place - but this is it for now.

Also you can find here all Haik-Vantoura's JPGs of the psalms. They differ from the Aleppo codex (which she would not have seen) in many places, but given her book is public on the web in French and English, I suppose her images might as well be there also. All the public performances are on you-tube already - easily searched for under the tag "the music of the bible revealed'.

Let's get the Psalms out with music in lots of languages. Anyone interested?

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