Friday 18 September 2015

The rarer ornaments

Again I have separated the counts between approaching the cadence and returning to the tonic.

in approaching the cadence
  • Zarqa occurs 1300 times as part of 621 distinct patterns.
  • Tarsin (double geresh) occurs 1060 times as part of 365 patterns often with
  • talsha which itself occurs 761 times in 396 patterns.
  • shalshelet occurs 11 times in 8 patterns: 4 times in Torah, once in Ezra, once in Isaiah, once in Amos, and 4 times in the three books, twice in Psalms, twice in Proverbs.
  • Pazer occurs 580 times in 306 patterns often with tarsin, talsha, and qarne.
  • Qarne, the rising form of talsha, occurs 1268 times in 513 sequences.
  • Segol 949 in 540.
  • Illuy 116 in 31 only in the three books.
  • Ole 356 in 66 only in the three books and never after the cadence.
in the return to the tonic
  • Zarqa occurs 19 times as part of five distinct patterns.
  • Tarsin (double geresh) occurs 582 times as part of 155 patterns
  • often with talsha which itself occurs 357 times in 138 patterns.
  • shalshelet occurs 35 times always by itself and only in the three books.
  • Pazer occurs 187 times in 96 patterns often with tarsin, talsha, and qarne
  • Qarne, the rising form of talsha, occurs 500 times in 183 sequences.
  • Segol twice only, Exodus 20:5 and Deuteronomy 5:9. I used it also in my coding of Matthew - now at least I would know what pattern to put it in after the cadence.
  • Illuy 33 in 4 patterns, only in the three books.
Considering these are occurring in over 23,000 verses, they are all rarely used.

Supra-linear accent Before the cadence After Books
Zarqa 1300 19 24
Tarsin 1060 582 21
Talsha 761 357 21
Shalshelet 11 35 3
Pazer 580 187 24
Qarne 1268 500 21
Segol 949 2 21
Illuy 116 33 3
Ole 356 0 3
Merkha-Kefula 1 13 21
The Merkha-Kefula (doubled mercha) is not a known symbol for my program. I have in fact interpreted it as a mercha, f (a tevir, d would be more likely and would fit as well or better and be likely from a scribal point of view / ./ // the dot having been lengthened into a slash). It occurs below the text. Same shape as the Tarsin (gershaim) above the text. I have some limited information here. [The very-hard-to-read rules at the end of the appendix could all be tested against the data.]

Note the number of occurrences (except for shalshelet and m-k) is higher prior to the mid-verse cadence than after. The return to the tonic tends to be quicker than the approach to the cadence. As coming down a hill tends to be more speedily accomplished than going up.

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